It is hard for me to even remember back to what all we have done! Going back to where I left off was our small group's turn to clean the church two Fridays ago. Kevin pitched in and vacuumed without being asked. I have been so impressed by his initiative. Afterward all the boys and men played a game of American football. Kevin ate that up!
The following Saturday was our chocolate making morning at Chocolaterie Stam. We have hosted internationals in the past, and one complaint about our food was that it is "too sweet." Kevin does NOT have that complaint. He put down his share of treats that morning. I kept trying to cut him off, and he kept finding new sources of sweets. YIKES! That night we joined my husband's brother's family who were camping at Red Rock. (Kudos to them for letting us crash their party. Not everyone has enough food for 7 extra eaters!) We failed miserably at translating this new camping subculture, however he had a great time playing games with the other kids at the site. There was a sweet little 6 year old there who fell in love with Kevin. He has been great at playing with little kids.
Sunday we took Kevin to the zoo. This was the first time he had been. He said that his favorite animal was the lion, but we loved watching him in the Outback Adventure. The animals run loose as people walk through the exhibit. When the wallaby jumped passed him his face light up, and he shouted "Kangaroo!"
I needed to rest on Monday, and I think that Kevin needed to as well. He spent the day drawing, drawing and drawing some more! The other kids played outside quite a bit, but I don't think that he enjoys our heat and humidity.
Tuesday we met some of our friends and a couple of his Colombian friends as the park. I really enjoy watching him interact with his friends. I can't imagine how lonely I would feel if I lived with a family whose English is as limited as my Spanish is!
Wednesday was art lesson time again, and Adam humored them all with a giant water fight to finish off the afternoon. What a blessing he is!
Thursday was Kevin's dentist appointment. He had a cavity. True to his personality though he never complained about pain the rest of the day. I gave him some Tylenol just because I was convinced that if he was in pain he probably was not going to tell me!
Friday afternoon we got to take Kevin to Jordan's parents dairy farm. Jordan learned something new: driving does not come natural to someone who has lived life with all public transportation. Jordan has been driving tractor since he could see over the steering wheel and figured that steering left or right and correcting just came naturally. It does not. Kevin did much better driving the 4 wheeler! Jordan's mom also had leather crafts left over from Bible school. Once we got him off the 4 wheeler he really enjoyed that too!
Yesterday was a little more low keyed. He got to meet my sister and brother-in-law. We ordered pizza, and the kids sat in the kitchen with the boxes of pizza. He helped himself to a lot of pizza. This was notable only because he doesn't often help himself, but waits for food to be offered to him. We adults ate in the living room and evidently he felt more comfortable to eat up!
Today we went bowling with our neighbors. I don't see professional bowling in his future, but we all had a great time!
Wow, after reading through the last week and a half I know why I am so tired. If there are many typos in this post it is because I need a nap!