
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Make A Move Monday: In the Spirit of Honesty

Blogging is so permanent.  I can think something, write it and send it out into the abyss of cyberspace…forever.  My thoughts and feelings are not so permanent.  Sometimes I change my mind, and I feel that an update is in order on a few posts!

Apple Cider Vinegar-I still love the stuff and think it is amazingly effective.  I would drink it every day…if I could.  I have low blood pressure and after a few months on ACV I was really struggling with vertigo.  I stopped taking ACV and the vertigo went away.  I went back on it and vertigo was back.  My skin and allergies love apple cider vinegar.  I am working on the balance, lower dosages, every other day, a week on a week off?  I am not sure what is going to work, but I am going to keep trying to find out how much is good for my body!

Summer School SummerFun-While we did well with our reading goals this summer, we did not follow our science and math plans.  One day in the beginning of July my son said to me, “I am tired of playing math games.  Can I just do worksheets instead?”  Something tells me that this is not typical, but I will take it.  His reaction to our summer of plant experiments was less than enthusiastic.  “I was really hoping we would just do experiments where we made things explode.”  While we didn’t do the plant experiments I had planned we did grow a garden, and my older three children assisted in weeding and watering.  They helped dig potatoes which to their surprise grew underground, and the older two helped freeze corn.  They helped pick it, husk it and wash it.  Grandpa cut it; I cooked it.   Then they labeled it for the freezer and a year of eating freezer corn.  Even without our experiments they learned how plants grow and where their food comes from.

Deodorant-I am having deodorant woes.  First, when I added the beeswax to my recipe it did stay solid in the heat, but it also left residue on my shirts.  Then I started dealing with an unexplained skin irritation on my arms, and I didn’t know what that was from but ended up switching back to store bought deodorant.  My skin appears to have cleared up now so I plan on trying rubbing alcohol as a spray deodorant to see if I can get this thing figured out!

I feel much better now that the truth is out there.  It is always good to come clean!
Anyone else with an update?  It is time for Make A Move Monday!   Please let us know what simple move you are making toward healthy living in your home. Link up your blog post, or just leave a comment. Then take time to be inspired from other's link ups and comments. Last week there were some great ones!

Please read through the rules for those participating, and thanks for your participation.

1) No linking to giveaways or promotions for affiliates or sponsors. Give aways and promos are great, but they expire. I will delete giveaway links or promotional links.
2) Keep things simple and healthy. Avoid recipes with "cream of x soup," processed cheese or corn syrup. Crafts are cool, but unless they help organize or simplify please don't link them.
3) Link back to SimplyMadeHome.This is common blog party courtesy. It also helps build the community of encouragement. Check out other’s posts and leave a comment! It is fun to hear from others.
How to link up to your post? Read below.
Using the Mr. Linky, link back to your specific post, not just your blog.
Example of Format
Your Name: Tara @ SimplyMadeHome (Simple Vinegar Switches)
Your Link:


  1. Thanks for hosting! I posted a book review (not a giveaway) :)

    1. I have two friends who just left the "work force" to stay at home-one has her masters as well! I hope that all goes well for you!

  2. Wow! Life is that way, you send out information and then life changes. Summer has not happened quite like we planned, but so much of life is inpromptu for us. I am dealing with alot of issues in my health right now and finding things that help is always a challenge. Everyone is different and what works for one does not work for another. I am careful in my blogging to let people know "this works for me, and it may not work for you".

  3. Gardening is such a great way to help kids learn about science and the way that food grows. I remember doing a 3rd grade science project with growing beans and being so fascinated with watching the different stages and seeing the little seed grow into something that I could eat :)

    1. It is good to have the kids in the garden with me. I was a little sad though that I lost both of my pumpkins when they were the size of tennis and ping pong balls!

  4. I have terrible trouble with antiperspirants and deodorants. Finally, I found Arm & Hammer Essentials. No parabens, which I think makes a huge difference. It works pretty good, a long day in the hot summer might beat it but otherwise it's useful and pleasant and no rashes!

    1. I have wanted to try that one, but haven't been able to find it locally. I should try online. Thanks for the reminder!
