
Monday, August 6, 2012

I couldn't have said it better myself (so I didn't)

I think it is fitting to end a series of real food posts with a reality check.  I think that real food is important, but I know that it can get out of hand.  These blog posts already say what I feel in my heart.  I hope that if you need encouragement keeping real food in balance with the rest of life that you will find some in these posts!

The Terrible Tragedy of the Healthy Eater - A crude but humorus look at the slippery slope of healthy eating!

 Food is Not Your God - Stacy is tired of the debates and feeling like she doesn't measure up (but she still eats whole foods!) 

Food Choices Are Not a Moral Issue - An encouragment to put relationships above food choices.

OK, it is time for a link up! Please let us know what simple move you are making toward healthy living in your home. Link up your blog post, or just leave a comment. Then take time to be inspired from other's link ups and comments.  Last week there were some great ones!

Please read through the rules for those participating, and thanks for your participation.

1) No linking to giveaways or promotions for affiliates or sponsors. Give aways and promos are great, but they expire. I will delete giveaway links or promotional links.
2) Keep things simple and healthy. Avoid recipes with "cream of x soup," processed cheese or corn syrup. Crafts are cool, but unless they help organize or simplify please don't link them.
3) Link back to SimplyMadeHome.This is common blog party courtesy. It also helps build the community of encouragement. Check out other’s posts and leave a comment! It is fun to hear from others.
How to link up to your post? Read below.
Using the Mr. Linky, link back to your specific post, not just your blog.
Example of Format
Your Name: Tara @ SimplyMadeHome (Simple Vinegar Switches)
Your Link:


  1. Thanks for the post and link up today! People really do get out of hand. The world we live in, and the iformation out there, it is incredible. Media overload, I think that is going to kill us faster than our food.

    I am currently working on a post about food disconnect. This post has given me some more inspiration.

    For me real food is real simple. People just don't get that. They really overthink it all. I hope that I can help people to really rethink their connection to food, and not worry so much about all the details.

    1. Had to laugh when you said that media overload would kill us faster than our food! :)

  2. These are great posts and great reminders about how important it is to put food in perspective. For those of us who are still relatively new to the world of real food, it's so easy to get caught up with the overload of information and get carried away. Moderation and balance are so important when it comes to food (and so easy to forget too sometimes!)
