
Monday, October 15, 2012

Make A Move Monday: Where have I been?

Last week I took time to do a lot of things that I "should" do.  Mostly I did A LOT of laundry.  The weather turned cool on us, and I think that the extra fabric and layers added 4 or 5 loads to my week.  I was determined to get caught up on laundry, COMPLETELY caught up.  I even put the laundry away each night.  (Hold your applause, please!)  It was wonderful.

Another thing I keep saying that we should do is visit some of our elderly family members.  We van schooled on Monday and listened to a couple of CDs that came with our curriculum.  I learned a ton about Tchaikovsky!  Now I am saying we should make the trip again soon.

Wednesday we went on a hiking field trip and began fall clean up pruning back the flowers and plants for fall.  I dug up the sad remainder of the garden.  Until spring, my Friend.

Friday I went on a retreat with the ladies from church.  We had a wonderfully encouraging 24 hours.  The camp was great.  I hope that we can go back as a family sometime!

How did you spend your week?  I would love to see what you are doing to Make A Move in your home! Please read through the rules for those participating, and thanks for your participation.

1) No linking to giveaways or promotions for affiliates or sponsors. Give aways and promos are great, but they expire. I will delete giveaway links or promotional links.
2) Keep things simple and healthy. Avoid recipes with "cream of x soup," processed cheese or corn syrup. Crafts are cool, but unless they help organize or simplify please don't link them.
3) Link back to Simply Made Home.This is common blog party courtesy. It also helps build the community of encouragement. Check out other’s posts and leave a comment! It is fun to hear from others.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a productive week! Those are always so nice :) Thanks for hosting!
