
Monday, August 27, 2012

Make A Move Monday (without a post!)

I DID NOT write a post for Make A Move Monday last night because the move that I made for our family was to the shower and to bed.  It was a long week and the best possible move I could have made!  :) 

Please read through the rules for those participating, and thanks for your participation.

1) No linking to giveaways or promotions for affiliates or sponsors. Give aways and promos are great, but they expire. I will delete giveaway links or promotional links.
2) Keep things simple and healthy. Avoid recipes with "cream of x soup," processed cheese or corn syrup. Crafts are cool, but unless they help organize or simplify please don't link them.
3) Link back to SimplyMadeHome.This is common blog party courtesy. It also helps build the community of encouragement. Check out other’s posts and leave a comment! It is fun to hear from others.
How to link up to your post? Read below.
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Your Name: Tara @ SimplyMadeHome (Simple Vinegar Switches)
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  1. Great picture! Looks beautiful!

  2. Without a doubt, going to bed is sometimes the most productive move you can make! :)
