
Monday, June 25, 2012

Make a Move Monday:Contagious Decluttering

With the excitement of the Jenuinely Pure giveaway last week I forgot all about Make A Move Monday.  (My apologies if you were hoping to link up!) 

I was supposed to share about my progress simplifying my kitchen.  We have been in the process of eating down our pantry, using up some of what we have before getting more.  I bought a little produce this week, but otherwise we stuck with what we had.  My husband has been amazed.  "It looks like we have no food but you keep feeding us!"  As long as he isn't hungry he has no complaints.  This has been a real budget saver for the month of July for us.  It is the last week of the month, and I am going to take advantage of a chicken sale and still make my budget goal!

The major kitchen change (ok major may be an exaggeration) was the decluttering of the top of the fridge.  This was actually all my husband's doing.  (I guess decluttering is contagious!)  We kept our sound system on top of the fridge (away from little hands) so we ended up with a pile of CDs on top of the fridge.  We also kept the camera up there because with everything else, why not?  It was a flat surface and becoming quite the catch-all.  With some of the extra space from decluttering we put all the electronics, cords and paraphernalia in the pantry!  It looks so nice now!

It is time to share what you have been working on over the past couple of weeks! I am looking forward to this! Please let us know what simple move you are making toward healthy living in your home. Link up your blog post, or just leave a comment. Then take time to be inspired from other's link ups and comments.
Please read through the rules for those participating, and thanks for your participation.

1) No linking to giveaways or promotions for affiliates or sponsors. Give aways and promos are great, but they expire. I will delete giveaway links or promotional links.
2) Keep things simple and healthy. Avoid recipes with "cream of x soup," processed cheese or corn syrup. Crafts are cool, but unless they help organize or simplify please don't link them.
3) Link back to SimplyMadeHome.This is common blog party courtesy. It also helps build the community of encouragement. Check out other’s posts and leave a comment! It is fun to hear from others.
How to link up to your post? Read below.
Using the Mr. Linky, link back to your specific post, not just your blog.
Example of Format
Your Name: Tara @ SimplyMadeHome (Simple Vinegar Switches)
Your Link:


  1. thanks for letting us link up again. Keep your chin up. I love your make a move mondays. It is a reminder to do something no matter how small it seems. The small things do add up to great things. Right now it is hard to see what the tapestery of my life is looking like because I am looking at one small thread. It is those small threads all linked together that weave our lives into something magical.

  2. Catch-all surfaces are definitely something I have a lot of. Whenever I get around to decluttering one of them, I'm always amazed at the things I find that I had forgotten I even had!
