
Monday, May 21, 2012

Simply 10-Make A Move Monday

After writing my thoughts on a simple life I had the great idea of doing a set of posts as  I simplified different areas of our home. I had it all planned out-a weekend full of simplifying and a week of themed posts.  Half my tribe was at Daddy and Me camp so I was going to have a chunk of time to attack the house. Yep, that would have been super cool, but life happened. Instead of powering through the weekend getting to work, I spent it holding a 3 three year old little boy who had both ear and sinus infections. Isn't that the way life goes?
So now what?  My house isn’t in shape, and I have nothing to write.  Then I realized that is the way life goes, for me and for everyone else.  Sometimes we have a weekend to declutter and start over fresh, but more often than not we have to go with the flow.  So what can I do with 10 minutes when I need 10 hours? 
It was time for a new plan…Simply 10.  10 minutes in each room simplifying, because some days 10 minutes is all that I can carve out.  There are some rooms in my house that a day or two purposefully working for 10 minutes will be enough.  There are some rooms that I will take many days to complete, but I really want to do this. 
As I have thought through simplifying I have wondered “How is this different than decluttering?”  My goal is not to just put things away.  I want to get rid of the things that we don’t need, and my goal is to narrow our definition of need.  Often if something has a use I can find a possible need.  I want to stop myself from saying “Well, I might need that to…someday” in order to justify keeping it around.   The question I am asking myself is “Does the item have a specific place to get put away?” “Does this bless me/my family?”  “Is our current method of operation working?” “Do we need to tweak our routine?”
This is my move for Make A Move Monday.  This week I will start at my Achilles heel: kids’ bedrooms.  Are the things in their bedrooms blessing them?  Is our morning routine and bedtime routine working?  Could it be simpler, more beneficial?  I will let you know about my progress next week. 
So what are you working on this week?  It is time to link up!  Please let us know what simple move you are making toward healthy living in your home. Link up your blog post, or just leave a comment. Then take time to be inspired from other's link ups and comments.
Please read through the rules for those participating, and thanks for your participation.

1) No linking to giveaways or promotions for affiliates or sponsors. Give aways and promos are great, but they expire. I will delete giveaway links or promotional links.
2) Keep things simple and healthy. Avoid recipes with "cream of x soup," processed cheese or corn syrup.  Crafts are cool, but unless they help organize or simplify please don't link them.
3) Link back to SimplyMadeHome.  This is common blog party courtesy. It also helps build the community of encouragement. Check out other’s posts and leave a comment! It is fun to hear from others.
How to link up to your post? Read below.
Using the Mr. Linky, link back to your specific post, not just your blog.
Example of Format
Your Name: Tara @ SimplyMadeHome (Simple Vinegar Switches)
Your Link:

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Health 2Day Wednesdays @
Works for Me Wednesday @
Frugal Days Sustainable Ways @


  1. I like this idea! My weekend didn't go as planned either and I'm facing quite an untidy mess this morning. Ten minutes at a time... I can do that! :)

    1. After today I think I should have called it "Simply 6" Oh well, 6 minutes, 10 minutes at least it was a few minutes!

  2. Visiting from the Barn Hop. I do something similar. I work full time so I don't have all day to get things done. Many nights I come home from work too pooped to make my evenings useful. So I started Ten Minutes in the Morning. I figure I can get up a mere ten minutes earlier.

    And when you think about it, there are an awful lot of things that you can get done in ten minutes or less: Sorting and starting a load of laundry, watering the garden, weeding a bed or two, vacuuming a room or two, and so on.

    I set my digital timer and when it beeps, I'm done. And no feeling guilty if I don't finish something - - ten minutes of something is better than a whole day of nothing, right?

    1. All signs are pointing to getting out of bed earlier. I keep thinking that it is an hour before the kids, but you are right. 10 minutes is better than nothing!

  3. Hi Tara, thanks for hosting! "Simply 10" sounds like a great idea! There are so many times that I've put off doing something because I didn't have enough time to devote to finishing it, but, by spending ten minutes working on a project, at least I would have a start on it, which is much better than nothing at all!
