
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How does your garden grow?

This year we broke ground on our first garden.  We had tried a couple 8'x2' boxed gardens.  We were hoping to have success with these "practice" beds and then move into a big garden.  We failed the two years we tried.  Tree roots are right under the surface.  They do not get enough sun, and let's not forget the rabbits.  They chewed through the fence the first year.  We purchased different fence for the second year, and they burrowed under it.  Since the beds were so small we didn't want to pump money into them,  The amount of produce wouldn't offset the cost.

We spent an entire Friday night date night at a home and garden store going around and around about if we should garden, where we would garden and what we would plant.  Finally we decided on a 12x12 garden on our side yard.  My husband is an engineer who was raised on a farm.  This means he had huge ideas about custom fencing panels-no standard fence would do in the war against the rabbits.  Since our house is on a corner he also wanted to landscape around the garden.  This was not just going to be a pile of dirt with a few veggies!

I decided to plant a little of everything this year.  Next year I may do more plants of fewer vegetables so I have enough to preserve.  This year I wanted to learn about different plants before I put all my stock into a few.  We have planted 10 strawberry plants, a tomato plant, a bell pepper plant, 6 broccoli plants, (that I am pretty sure I planted too close together!) lettuce, snap peas and green beans. 

Then I had officially caught the "garden bug." I needed more and had to plant something in those barren 8'X2' beds again.  There is pie pumpkin and zucchini in them now.  I can see which ones are getting more sun and have taken a saw so some of the tree roots.  We will see what becomes of them. 

I still wanted more!  I planted herbs amongst the plants in our landscaping-chives, oregano, mint and lemon balm.  (I have no idea what I am supposed to with them, but I am eager to learn.  Any books or website suggestions are welcome.)
I have been harvesting lettuce the past week.  I swear it tastes better, and I don't care if it is only in my head!  I am in the middle of reading Animal Vegetable Miracle so I feel like I am doing my part with my little plot of dirt.  It is beautiful don't you think? (Forgive all the pictures.  I am a little like a proud first time mother when it comes to my garden this year!)
 Cutting sod was a family affair. (When I have suggested a second 12'X12' plot next year I have been told we will rent a sod cutter!)

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  1. I'm loving your blog, Tara! And I read Animal Vegetable Miracle as well - what a good read :)

    1. Hey Betsy! Thanks for stopping by! Do you have a garden this year?

  2. Your garden looks great! I am envious of your fence panels. :) I have a small (not so) square foot garden area, and it's right up against the back of our house because that's the only spot I know I can protect it somewhat from animals and it's the only spot that gets a little shade so everything doesn't wither away. Well, my salad has already withered away, but it was so good for the weeks I had it growing well! We have rabbits in our yard that will come all the way up to the house, and I've sprinkled human hair (gathered from our hair cuts year 'round) around the periphery of the little garden. So far, that has been enough of a deterrent. If you're interested, here's my garden post:

    1. Your garden looks great! I passed your fence complements on to my husband. He thanks you!

  3. I love the pictures! Reminds me of my first garden that the sheep got into.

  4. Your garden looks great! Hope this does not seem like a downer, but we bought the same rabbit fencing as you have, last year. As the summer went along, the rabbits figured out to put their front feet on the big square sections and jumped in. Once it happened a few times we tried to zig-zag twine through the squares at the top, but they chewed through it. We ditched that fencing and went with chicken wire this year. Hopefully it doesn't happen to you, but wanted to give you a heads up! :)

    1. Oh I hope that our rabbits aren't as smart as yours! With the landscaping between the yard and the fence we were hoping that they wouldn't notice the wonderful food on the other side!

  5. He cut the end of one panel that is sticking out on the bottom and not the other panel. This makes for a snug fit. He screwed the corner pieces together.vinyl fence panels

  6. Now that we have told you all about the many different types of Thatched Fence and what they are used for, we will show you what they look like by providing Pictures of as many types as possible. plastic fencing

  7. Since our house is on a corner he also wanted to landscape around the garden. This was not just going to be a pile of dirt with a few veggies! residential fencing

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