
Monday, May 14, 2012

A Friendly Giveaway!

It is time for our second Keeper of the Home book giveaway!  Stephanie is offering Simply Made Home readers one more chance to win one of her three great books. To enter in the contest follow or subscribe to Simply Made Home, then leave a comment saying that you did (or already follow.)  Want an additional entry?  Pass along the link to this giveaway to a friend who encourages you in healthy eating or simple living.  (Email, Facebook or Pinterest links all count.)  Then leave a second comment saying that you did!  When I was changing our family's diet and thoughts around food I was eager to find others who could help me. I would have been lost without them. Who is in your network? Off of whom do you like to bounce your ideas? 
Friends, mentors and companions...I have truly been blessed with some great ones.  I think that it is important (I would almost go so far as to say imperative) for women to have a network of friends that provide support and encouragement in homemaking.  My friends and I swap recipes, books and ideas.  What healthy snacks are you feeding your kids?  What kind of laundry soap are you using?  Do you like your cast iron skillet?  Why isn't my applesauce turning out? Can I see your meal plan?  How do you organize all of your important paperwork?  I have had all of these conversations in the past couple months.
I would love to pass along one of these great resouces to you or your friends.  Thanks for reading Simply Made Home!  The winner will be announced on Friday!

Plan it Don’t Panic is a great meal planning guide.Without a meal plan I would waste so much time making multiple trips to the grocery store, and multiple trips are a budget buster.Stop spending too much money and start making the most of every grocery dollar. Avoid the stress and panic of what to cook each night for dinner.Serve your family more balanced, healthful meals (rather than resorting to convenience or compromise foods)”
Real Food on a Real Budget is “a primer for families who want to learn how to save an average of 20-30% on their food budget, while at the same time serving better quality and more nutritionally dense foods. Based on 6 years of hands on experience and hundreds of hours of research, Real Food on a Real Budget will teach you how to drastically lower your food budget OR significantly increase the quality of the foods that you buy (for the same amount of money).”

Healthy Homemaking: One Step at a Time was so helpful to me when I knew that I wanted to make changes in our home, but didn’t know where to start. This is a “compilation of practical, relevant and varied "baby steps", designed to take you on a one-year journey. One of the major premises behind the way that [it is] written it is to keep it from being overwhelming. The intent is to focus instead on the little victories in each positive step we take forward, one step at a time. “

Note: This month Stephanie is offering a SALE on her books to challenge others to eat healthy and save money.  Click on the book links above and use the coupon code CHALLENGE25 to take 25% off any single ebook, OR use code BUNDLE50 to buy all 3 ebooks at 50% off!  What a great deal!


  1. I just signed up to follow this blog. Can't wait to find out if I get the book! I also pined it!

  2. looking forward to another try! i am already a follower and would choose #3

  3. Yeah for you! making changes one person at a time. It is amazing the power that one person can have. There is a real movement out there of people gaining back themselves. We are no longer giving in to the media and thier notion of what and who we have to be. We do have a choice and a voice.

  4. Sister, I had no idea you had started another blog! This has been a blessing! I'm excited to see what I can learn from you! :)
