
Monday, May 7, 2012

And the Winner is...

And the winner of the Keeper of the Home giveaway is Becca of Rebecca's Best.  Please Contact Me with your book request and email address. 

Thanks so much to everyone who participated!  Keep an eye out for another giveaway soon. :)


  1. I won! Wow! To be cliche, I never win anything! Really, my first blog giveaway win ever! Awesome and what a great prize. I am torn between the Real Food on a Real Budger and the One Step at a Time. I do know some stuff on each topic but could learn more. I am trying to be frugal but at the same time have been overwelmed in making changes. What do you recommend.

    Also, I could not click on your Contact Me link as we don't have Outlook. Do you think its safe just to post my email here?

  2. Let's try this!

    As far as which one, I loved One Step at a Time becuase I wanted to change everything (food, cleaning products, personal products, etc)and like you said was completely overwelmed. That book was the right thing for the right time. Real Food on a Real Budget is very specific to one (important) area of health. Have you checked out these? They give a few more details.

  3. Did you get my email? Just wanted to check.

    1. I emailed the last night. Let me know if you do not hear from them in 24 hours. OK?

  4. Hi Tara,

    I am so sorry that I have become such a problem. I never did hear from them. I am so excited to get the book though. I hope it still works out.


    PS I have loved your blog and am reading "what is eating your child" right now. I am convinced she has the answers to unlocking my oldests severe picky eating issues. Thanks!
